Record edition: over 9,000 entries to the reference event for the sector of machinery and technology for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries. The exhibition is confirmed to be increasingly appreciated at international level, as demonstrated by the 44% foreign attendance and 26% of exhibitors (out of 316) from outside Italy, from over 20 […]

From 17 to 19 September, the reference event for the sector of machinery and technology for the footwear, leather goods and tanning industries returns. 317 exhibitors and a programme of high level appointments to celebrate half a century of technological excellence.

From 14 September at Fiera Milano (Rho) the dates dedicated to fashion return with the focus on many first-

On 17 and 18 July 2024 Lineapelle returns to New York and opens the doors to a supercool edition of Lineapelle Milan (17/19 September 2024).

From January 2024, Agostino Apolito will be the Director General of Assomac. He comes from Confindustria Florence where he worked until 2022, becoming Deputy Director in 2016.

Anche quest’anno la manifestazione, in collaborazione con la rivista Arsutoria, presenta il report delle innovazioni viste durante l’edizione 2023

The vitality of Simac Tanning Tech infuses the industry with courage and launches new proposals in terms of process organisation and digitisation towards a sustainable transition. Attendance figures are very positive: over 6,500 certified attendees around 40% from abroad 20 international delegations supported by ITA-Agency +37% of visitors compared to the last edition +14% of […]

Le iscrizioni verranno chiuse in pochi giorni, e l’Organizzatore comunica numeri da record per l’edizione di Settembre 2023

Riflettori accesi sulla prossima eidizione della manifestazione, che prevede un incremento di visitatori del 6%