Production ecosystems devoted to economic, social and environmental sustainability are the challenges that the sector supply chains must face with multidisciplinary technological innovation through the solutions that will be shown at the Fair

Milano, September the 20th, 2022 – The 2022 edition of Simac Tanning Tech, the most important international trade fair event in the sector thanks to highest quality of machinery and technologies offers for the fashion, automotive, furniture industry and beyond, kicks off today, until 22nd September.

The event – unique in the sector as it foresees the physical presence of machines – takes place annually in Milan in the pavilions of FieraMilano (Rho) and brings together multi-sector actors who will meet, as for the past editions, in halls 14 and 18. Manufacturing companies, research centers and industry associations gathered together once again with the common goal of addressing challenging issues for their manufacturing chains (footwear, tanning and leather goods) by presenting cutting-edge innovations capable of integrating the more advanced enabling technologies (Industry 4.0). 

The same themes that will be also at the center of Assomac TALKS, the networking events designed with the intention of actively involving Simac Tanning Tech community, even beyond the physical appointment of the fair, with a daily offer of debates and informative videos in which the protagonists are international public and companies research laboratories, companies, universities and experts in the industry of fashion who bring their contribution in terms of innovation and technology.

The program of events that will take place during the three days of Simac Tanning Tech – available on the event website (www.newssimactanningtech.local ) – will involve leaders and personalities from the international manufacturing industry chain.

The collaboration with ITA / ICE Agency, as for last year, led to the organization of the presence of 80 commercial delegates over 30 institutional personalities, from 16 foreign countries, who will be able to access the fair. This is a partnership that is fundamental for the invaluable support brought to exhibiting companies that export their products in over 130 countries. All this expands the audience of specialized operators present at the fair with strong repercussions both on global business and on networking opportunities.

“There are two key words of this new edition of the Fair, collaboration and relation” – declared Maria Vittoria Brustia, President of Assomac Servizi Srl, Organizing Secretariat of Simac Tanning Tech, and President of Assomac. “Collaborating at all levels of the supply chain and in related sectors, with a vision aimed at internationality, is today the fundamental requirement to make Simac Tanning Tech increasingly the reference platform for technologies in the fashion segment. And to relate because the fair, net of the difficulties of recent years, is still the place that historically has represented the moment in which people meet, create contacts, do business and, above all, system. There is an increasing need to find each other, to open up … in short, to collaborate and relate! 

“The events that characterised the last few years have pushed us to make the best use of digital tools, making information accessible from all over the world. The need to find each other remains an essential element of our sector, even if the adoption of hybrid solutions by companies has made it possible not to lose contact with the market. 

In this context, Simac Tanning Tech, from a simple fair in which exhibitors show the excellence of their technology, has also turned into a real platform in which all operators in the sector are the absolute protagonists. In fact, they have gradually placed themselves at the center of an increasingly multisectoral system to identify and investigate future issues of interest to the sector in relation to the needs of the markets ”added Roberto Vago, director of Assomac. “Our goal is to continue working together to enhance the international coté of our event and confirm the prominent place it occupies among the institutional stakeholders and the main players in the sector, with the motivation that collaboration, constructive dialogue and cross fertilization are the essential elements for the development of opportunities “.

An event to be discovered on the 13,000 square meters of the exhibition area of the Fair which will host over 280 exhibitors and in which the physical moment, which has always been central to Simac Tanning Tech, is so closely linked to the digital one, with the results of a successful hybrid format, to be used beyond the trade fair, thanks to the integrated platform of the communication HUB. An added value for the reference community that allows you to have updated information all year round and create networking opportunities even beyond the physical moment of the fair.