ICad 3D+ is the first software for footwear design and pattern engineering that integrates in the same programme two work environments, one virtual in 3D and one technical in 2D, which work in parallel and simultaneously. Today materials and colours of 3D models can be seen and modified even on the web.
ICad 3D+ presents itself as the best virtual alternative to the traditional process of design and pattern engineering, considerably reducing both the processing time and the material and human resources of the company. The possibility to design, create and modify footwear models, parallel and simultaneously in 3D or 2D with absolute reliability and precision is an incredible advantage. Being able to create the flattening of any shape, including boots and ankle boots, with total accuracy, and modifying them with a single “click” both in the flattened version and in the 3D version, avoiding repeating the processes, is really a plus that was unimaginable until a few years. Projects where soles, heels, decorations or accessories can be created or imported quickly and easily, thanks to its intuitive interface. And finally customise and get images as hyper-realistic as photographs taken from real footwear models. ICad 3D+ is the result of more than 30 years of experience in the development of INESCOP CAD-CAM products. The close and continuous relationship between our company and the companies of the sector, allows to develop new software that give a fast and effective response to the real and current needs of the sector.

Working with ICad 3D+ is very simple and intuitive. The first steps to start working are importing a digital last, preparing this last for the model design, and start drawing on the last. Then, you can choose to work in either software environments of ICad 3D+, virtual 3D (to create soles and heels, add volume and thickness, create accessories, etc.) or technical 2D (to flatten, to generate patterns, to grade, etc.). You can change from one environment to another at any time. All this is now made even easier thanks to a very important novelty presented during SIMAC 2021: once the model has been finalised, it can be exported to a cloud server and made available online to be viewed and edited on any Internet browser and on any device (from a Windows computer to an iPhone). It is possible to view the 3D rendering exactly identical to how I would see it within the ICad 3D+ programme. And it is also possible to interact with the model itself up to the point of modifying its materials, based on the basic configuration preset during the design phase, which may also include some interesting automatisms (for example: if I had to choose a red sole, I can plan to change the colour of the laces and some details of the upper automatically, coordinating them with my new stylistic choice).

The ability to customise the models with regard to materials and colours can be based on a library of materials loaded by each individual company, or draw on libraries made available by the same suppliers of the materials. The platform also allows you to manage the customisation of accesses in order to better manage which models and which materials each customer can have access to. A decisive step forward for the entire ICad 3D+ platform which thus makes communication and decision-making between subjects who have to remotely evaluate the development of prototypes and collections much easier.