At Simac, this company of the Atom group presented its range of innovations for a footwear industry, which is increasingly focused on the automation of processes with attention to sustainability

Main Group Technologies, the Veneto company headed by the Atom Group, which is a point of reference for injection moulding machines and technologies in the footwear industry, decided to fully dedicate itself to devices for the automation of processes, presenting at the fair some important innovations that also reply to the demand of the market for increasingly sustainable solutions. Among these is the IoT automatic material dosing system, developed together with Technetronic and PET solutions, which blends virgin materials together with recycled ones. This system allows brands to obtain precise and certified data on the quantity of recycled material present in soles, while also improving the quality of the finished product. Sigma 300 T instead offers a cementing solution for soles capable of combining high performance, state-of-the-art technology and a high degree of reliability. The 3D system allows any kind of sole to be identified, while automatically tracing the cementing trajectories. It is ideal for all kinds of glue, whether they are water-based, solvent, or polyurethane. Improving the quality of the finished product and increasing precision when working is also the aim of the new carding island with automatic tool change system, which allows for the automated selection of up to 6 different tools, in accordance with the kind of upper being worked. It is controlled by an innovative brushless motor, which guarantees the possibility of reversing, with reduced noise emissions, and no need for maintenance. There is then the new siliconising island, which allows for a significant improvement in distributing the release agent: it can be paired with an electrostatic pistol, which guarantees a 15% to 20% savings in materials and fewer emissions in the work environment, offering workers greater health protection. These innovations confirm Main Group’s commitment to identifying solutions that are focused not only on the optimisation of processes, but also on aspects of sustainability.