Barnini focuses attention on Ecospray, a green technology for leather spraying “result of a multi-year research and development project in collaboration with professionals, universities and companies from alternative sectors”.
The main benefits of the system can be summarised in a better finishing quality, in the saving of chemical product and water (as well as in the cleaning time of the cabin) and in the reduction of water and air contamination. The B_54 automatic spray gun, the Spray Station and the Smartscan are the components of the ECOSPRAY technology that ensure its high efficiency. The Spray Station is the system control unit that optimises the spraying process, ensuring production at minimum costs and the control and saving of all traceability and reproducibility parameters; all using a simple and immediate 15” touch screen. Smartscan, instead, is the high definition leather scanning bar with 5 mm pitch projectors and receivers, that makes leather scanning perfect by optimising spraying and measuring. The new automatic gun trigger regulator which further improves the paint distribution system that can be set from the touch screen, applied to all guns and saved in job recipes, is among the latest devices developed by Barnini.