The Venetian company multiplies its investments in Research and Technical Assistance.
It is not a cliché to say that Todesco is a young and dynamic company given that the average age of the staff is only 33 years, compared to a company experience in the leather spraying market of over half a century. In the last two years, despite the difficulties related to the pandemic, the company based in Creazzo (Vicenza) has grown a lot and launches today innovative technologies on the market resulting from 5 patents in addition to 11 others obtained in the past. At the same time, investments were made in foreign markets aimed at strengthening the after-sales technical assistance service, in particular in Tuscany (Italy), Mexico and China, where specialised workshops with in-house trained technical staff were activated. “We are active on many different fronts – tells us Paolo Todesco, member of the second generation who leads the company together with his brother Giorgio – Among the most important innovations I would like to point out that at the beginning of this year we opened an internal R&D centre – which we called T Lab – where customers can test machines, and try new leather items without having to occupy their production lines”. From a technological point of view, Speedster 2.0 is Todesco’s new flagship, a machine that allows tanneries to carry out colour sampling without interfering with ordinary work. It has recently been upgraded making it even more efficient. “With Speedster it is possible to simulate the work of our Innover finishing lines in total conformity, in order to test the colour in advance and without having to interrupt the main production”, explains Paolo Todesco. A possibility that also derives from the fact that historically all Todesco machines are designed and manufactured internally in every key component, from spraying guns to electronics. Simulations are therefore highly reliable.

Todesco’s commitment has also recently focused on software development. The most important novelty here is called Statwatch: “It is a MES (Manufacturing Execution System) type programme applicable on any machine that allows you to analyse production data; not only does it tell you how many hides have been processed each day/month, but it also analyses all the conditions and efficiency drops, keeping the parameters related to water and energy consumption under control”.

Company efforts have also affected the maintenance aspect, in the awareness that for tanneries today, more than ever, machine downtime causes unsustainable costs: “In the last two years we have experimented a new type of remote technical assistance service with excellent results. We basically have created an internal ‘Control Room’ within the company that allows us to remotely monitor the operation of the machines in use by customers. It is incredible how much data analysis can help to correct any inefficiencies and thus increase productivity”. What is your next goal? “In the coming months we will launch a new spraying line that we have called Kingfisher, a very advanced and aggressive line intended to meet the needs of those markets that are in process of consolidation, like South America and Asia”, concludes Paolo Todesco.